Friday, December 03, 2010

Big J versus The Big Fella

Last week Big J was playing Cuponk with little success, when I heard him saying, "I wish I could get really good at playing Cuponk", fair enough, and then I heard him add, "Amen," and realised he was praying for better Cuponk skills! I laughed to myself as he continued listing things he wished for in the same way: "I wish... Amen."

We have not really talked to Big J about God, not being particularly religious or going to church ourselves, so I guessed he'd just heard prayers at school and thought he'd try them out to see if they worked.

Yesterday, we were all stuck at home after it snowed so much that the schools closed, so we went to the Sports Centre with a makeshift sledge. It started out as a lot of fun; we all had a go sliding down the slopes, having snow fights and generally having a good time. Then Big J started to get really cold and wanted to go home. His insistance that we go home NOW turned into anger at the snow and a declaration that he hated it...

"I hate snow, I really hate it....

...and I hate God, 'cos he made snow. That's just stupid. Why did he make such a stupid thing? He's an idiot. It's rubbish. He just made a load of rubbish...

...I hate the whole earth. He thinks it's good, but it's rubbish...

...I hate God. He's a poopy pants. He poos in his nappy. Anyway, I don't believe in him any more..

...How can he get up into space anyway without a rocket or something? I don't think he exists...

...And I hate Jesus. I hate God and Jesus. They are both rubbish..."

So, that seems pretty clear then. My son is not about to devote his life to God, apparently.

He did say today that he does actually like snow again now. I didn't dare ask what he thought of God today! I think I'll wait till he's playing Cuponk again!

1 comment:

Seany said...

Reminds me of a great routine Jasper Carrott did back in the 80s about a conversation with one of his kids, went something like:
Child: There's no Santa is there Daddy
Jasper: OK, you're right there isn't
Child: So why did you lie to me? When I tell lies I get in trouble
Jasper: Well it was our way of trying to make Christmas time a bit more special for you
Child: Oh, you mean like God?
Jasper: No God is real, he's everywhere but you just can't see him
Child: Oh Daddy, you're God aren't you...