Sunday, April 17, 2011

Zumba... What more need I say?

I have been saying for weeks I want to get into exercising again and try to lose some of the weight I have put on, but have really not been able to find the motivation. I have been so occupied with organising other things recently that I just haven't given this aspect of my life the time and attention it deserves. But I have just taken the first step to change that...

Today, is Zumba Day 1 and tomorrow will almost certainly be 'aching from Zumba Day 1', but will hopefully also be Zumba Day 2. I have not been brave enough to join a Zumba class, as I have no wish to show off my lack of co-ordination in public. Zumba Fitness for the wii, however, is a great compromise.

Having done no focused aerobic exercise for a couple of months, I was being a bit ambitious to select the 20 minute routine. This was not just like 20 mins on the wii fit+, which allows me to take a 30 second break between activities to at least get my breath and drink some water; this was practically 20 minutes of fast moving, non-stop 'Zumba'ing.

As always, though, I feel much better for starting and not just talking about it. I don't plan to 'Zumba' every day, but do plan to do between 30 - 60 mins of aerobic exercise every day. It had great effects last year, so I'm hoping it will this time. Any encouragement will be greatly appreciated!

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