Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mum Knows Best......or does she?

Happy Mothers' Day to all those mothers out there. May your day be stress free.

Lots of women take on the job without realising how difficult it is and, unlike other jobs, you can't just resign when it gets tough (as it invariably does).

I don't mind admitting, I took on the job accidentally and by the time I realised, I had (apparently) already signed the contract! I was not unhappy with the situation (although I cannot say the same for Barclays Mercantile with whom I had just accepted an offer of employment).

Little Z was quite an easy baby. Born weighing 6lb5 in a birthing pool where we both relaxed while everyone else rushed busily around us. Yes, she cried through the night keeping us awake (although PP probably still got more sleep then than he does now!) and always seemed hungry, but once she got through that stage she was a very placid and laid back child. Many of my friends were amazed how I could get on with the house work or work in the garden and she would happily sit in the baby swing or pushchair and watch.

Less happy times followed as we tried for another baby, and another and another.

Little Z was witness to some very sad and stressfull moments I am not proud to have shared with her. I know I cannot turn back time and protect her from seeing me break down. I wish I could. It is easy for me to look back and say that, in that same situation, I would definitely do it differently. At that time I was not emotionally strong enough to do any more than I did. Like I said, being a mother is not easy and you can't phone in sick. You just have to do your best.

Then we had Big J. And "big" he certainly was. Born weighing 9lb3 (almost in the car park) at the Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton after just 2 hours of labour. (Carefull what you wish for!)

Big J has the ability to laugh or smile at almost anything. Never a day goes by when I do not laugh out loud at something he does or says.

I have learnt a lot since having little Z. I used to shout a lot. I know I am not the only one. But I think we have all benefitted since I learnt to shout less and listen more. Big J has certainly benefitted from not being in an environment where people shout (either at him or at each other).

I am writing this here, because I am proud of myself for working hard to become a better mum. I know there were better and worse mums out there than me. I know there are still better mums and worse mums out there than me. I'm sure most mums would agree, we don't always get it right, but what is important is that we do our best.

In my search to become a better mum, I read a book called "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk" in which the Author introduces the first Chapter by saying, "I was a wonderful parent before I had children. I was an expert on why everyone else was having trouble with theirs. Then I had three of my own." While I have opened a door to a, so far, quite private part of my life, I welcome people to leave comments. I only ask that you don't judge me. I know I am not a perfect mum, but I work hard at being the best mum I can be.

1 comment:

Seany said...

Not that I'm qualified to comment, but I reckon you're a great Mum. I've never seen you throw any paperweights of wave breadknives around. Perhaps it's because your two don't dance with cats...