Do teachers always think they can teacher better than their own children's teachers?
What about non-teacher parents? Do they also think they could do a better job?
Lots of the children in Little Z's year have parents who are teachers. Many are experienced teachers who have been in the profession for a long time. So, what do we think of Little Z's teacher?
Well, to be fair, I cannot pretend to have polled them all, but many of us feel that although we have no complaints about her actual teaching, her manner is abrupt and she is not at all approachable. I don't like the way she talks to the children or the adults, which worries me, as Little Z needs a teacher who she can give a hug to when she feels a bit insecure. This teacher is about as huggable as a lamp post!
Harsh? yes, I suppose so, but I have not told you the name of the school or the teacher's name.
It would be interesting to consider this again at the end of the year to see whether my opinion has changed. Let's call it a formative assessment!
Will I share the results of this assessment with her? No, but I will have a few questions when I get to speak to her at "Meet the Teacher" evening.
I know teaching ability is obviously important and the fact that she is doing loads of good stuff with the kids and has a fresh & modern approach, as opposed to some of the older, set-in-their-ways teachers Little Z has had previously, is a really positive thing, but personality is so important and being able to respond to children's social needs as well as their academic ones is crucial. Oh dear, I feel like I am writing my personal statement all over again!
When is parents' evening? Get the Prozac ready!
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