Friday, November 10, 2006

Full of cold and No Job yet. Oh Joy...

Have applied for another 2 jobs today. I visited both schools and really liked both of them. One is only 10 minutes from home, which would be ideal, and I know someone else who is already working there, which would be really great. It is so depressing spending almost half a day per application working on the personal statement to support it, only to hear nothing. I can't help feeling that it would not hurt the schools to write a simple "thanks, but not this time" letter to people who apply, just to confirm that you can stop hoping for an interview.

On top of this I have caught a cold from one of the horrible little children where I did supply last week. Well, okay, I don't know where I actually caught it from, and standing for 4 hours in the freezing cold watching the carnival on Saturday night probably didn't help, but I am now stuck at home with a cold (yes, okay, I'm not going to die of a cold) and with the kids who are getting increasingly excited because Christmas is getting near.

Have a nice weekend now!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Em. I've not had much time to check in on people just lately so I missed the Devon trip, the carnival and the apple-bobbing. It all sounded great fun x

Kezzie said...

Hi! I found your blog on Icklesarah's website! Good luck with the job searching, hope you get something soon! I can't quite imagine how it's actually going to be going for teaching interviews so it's good to see how other people do it! I look forward to seeing how the search goes!