My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I absolutely loved this book. Extremely pleased to have bought it for 10p from the library, I also feel quite sad that nobody else will borrow it from the library and enjoy it as I have done.
It's so hard to decide who is my favourite character:
Robert, the kind-hearted painter who prefers his own company and who, despite being admired by many people around him, always seems to think the worst of himself?, the strong minded Angela, always helping others, never asking for anything herself and confused about her vocation? Robert's seemingly interfering, yet well-meaning mother, Bonnie, with her dated American accent and phrases as well as a big secret of her own? Uncle Mikey, the eccentric yet endearing uncle in the attic in Ireland? Or one of the other fantastically developed characters, such as Sr Carmel with her bonbons or Mother Mary Margaret with her cigarettes and gin. They are all so cleverly developed, to choose one as a favourite would do an injustice to the others.
The writing is brilliant. I laughed out loud at the humorous comments and events, especially the antics of the Aunts, but it was sad enough at times to make me cry too. As Robert and Angela got caught in a web of misunderstandings and miscommunication, I cringed as more and more character became entangled in the story and the wired got even more crossed. I actually cheered when, finally, the penny dropped.
This is not your run-of-the-mill love story. I highly recommend this to anyone who has a sense of humour and appreciates good writing.
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