Blue Bottle Mystery : An Asperger's Adventure by Kathy Hoopmann
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
While considering how to review this book, I have taken into account that this book was primarily aimed at children, however, I have read many children's books including those dealing with sensitive topics such as Aspergers, and I'm afraid I found this one to be a little flat, unrealistic and uninspiring.
It highlights some of the issues children with Apergers have to contend with, but not in a particularly engaging way. I felt that Ben was just 'a boy with Aspergers' and not 'Ben' at all. Where was his personality? Apart from computers, what did Ben like and dislike which was not part of being on the Spectrum?
I picked up this book with the intention of giving it to my daughter (who has Aspergers) to read, but decided against it. I want my daughter to know she is a person and not a condition; that the things she does which other people find 'odd' are (mostly) linked to her having Aspergers, but that there are lots of things about her which have nothing to do with that and are just part of her personality.
I would have liked the author to have shown Ben in a more favourable light and explained why he did some of the things he did. I felt there were many questions left unanswered and as a child with Aspergers I would be left feeling confused and a bit negative, which I'm sure was not the author's intention.
She attempts to deal with the feelings and reactions of teachers and parents too, but it felt too rushed and was not given enough detail to make a young reader understand why the teacher or dad was frustrated.
It's a shame. There are very few stories out there about children with Aspergers and although the idea for the story was good, I feel it was not developed fully and needed more thought before being published.
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