Thursday, March 20, 2008

Parents Evening

Got through parents' evening and the experience was less stressful than I had envisaged. I had been warned at interview that the parents had very high expectations and that if they were not happy they would not hide their concerns. So, still on a temporary contract, I prepared apprehensively for parents' evening.

The general consensus is that the children are happy at school and the parents are happy with me. Phew! There was only one child whose parents were unhappy with his progress which actually has more to do with their unrealistic expectations of what he should be able to do (i.e. multiplication at the age of 6!!!) and the fact that they make him do an hour or so of written maths work at home several times a week. I pushed the boundaries as far as I possibly could and may have even stepped slightly over that fine line a little when I suggested they were pushing him too hard and should be making it more fun so that he would enjoy it.

I think overall, I handled them well: a parent governor, the chair of governors, a bloke in a dress (lovely black boots, actually!) with his (soon to be ex-)wife, as well as another mum with a history of being verbally abusive.I had the headteacher on hand for that one, but am pleased to say I didn't need her to intervene.

Eater weekend could not come soon enough. No, that was not a spelling mistake! I shall not be celebrating the death of Christ. I shall be eating lots of chocolate!


Seany said...

Another "first" ticked then Sis- well done!


Sarah said...

glad parents' eve went well!!

i had my 4th parents eve a couple of weeks back (how time flies... not all at this school I hasten to add!!) which was mostly ok. a couple of pushy parents and one very strange couple who obsessed over something really odd for 20 whole minutes... but it could have been a lot worse.

we much catch up on the phone soon. i'm generally free most of the time... do give me a call sometime or let me know when you've not got your hands full with the kiddiwinks and i'll call you!
