Monday, October 20, 2008

Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes!

Big J has been going to school for four weeks now. I am amazed we have (so far) not lost any of his jumpers, his trousers do not (yet) have holes in the knees and his shoes are not scuffed beyond repair. I wonder how they manage it. We have not been so fortunate in avoiding headlice. Even with Big J's short hair, they managed to go forth and multiply leaving the poor boy scratching and scratching. Luckily, as a teacher, I have become slightly obsessed with spotting headlice and they were gone quicker than you could say "nit nurse". As a precaution, I have taken the clippers to his hair and he now has a number 2 all over. It suits him and I think he has had long enough at school now for them to know that he is not a little thug despite his resemblence to one:)

1 comment:

Seany said...

Ahh a little thug just like his Uncle Seany