Thursday, October 23, 2008

What a day...

Feeling energetic, I woke up this morning and decided we would walk to school. So having hurried to get ready for school, I ushered Big J and Little Z out of the house to take Big J to the childminder's. Despite the fact that I am going to the school and could take Big J myself, it is a long way to walk for him and I don't want him getting worn out before starting the school day. I am also trying to keep him in some kind of routine so that he knows he must go to the childminder's every morning whether mummy is working or not.

So, after dropping Big J off just around the corner, Little Z and I had to just pop back home to get her bags and then we could go. That is when I realised I did not have my house keys with me. Having been in such a hurry to get out of the house on time, I had pulled the door shut behind me without taking my keys out of the other side first. Great!

Little Z and I tried for 10 mins to open the door from the outside using the very sophisticated 'twigs through the letterbox' method. We were not successful. Luckily I had picked up my car keys and so we were able to drive to school where I had to drop Little Z off without her school bag and lunch and then had to go into Big J's school for sharing time, where he gets to take me around the class and show me all the things he has made etc.

I then had to go to the Junior school for an informal meeting with Mrs C, their ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) which was very beneficial to both parties. I was able to express my concern about Little Z's recent change in behaviour at home, namely her frustration and anger, and Mrs C agreed to try to see Little Z today to give her some time to talk through anything which may be worrying her and which she has not felt she could talk to me about.

I felt very positive after the meeting with Mrs C, however, I still had the issue of the keys to sort out. Thankfully, Larry had not yet left his office to go on delivery so I was able to collect his keys from him.

After such a busy few hours, I was glad to be able to sit down and relax until at 11.55 I suddenly realised that I had not taken Little Z's bag to her at school (it had been locked in the house and so left behind) and she therefore had no lunch! So much for trying to be economical with petrol this week. I called the school. They were not answering and I was not going to leave a message. I jumped in the car and took her bag to her.

As luck would have it, the deputy, who is also the SENCO (special educational needs coordinator) was in the school front office and having just had a meeting with the Ed Psych was able to give me some feedback on that meeting and its outcomes. It is a big relief to know that finally something is being done. I have to say. I think the school are being fantastic. The class teachers and SENCO are very supportive and have been receptive to recommendations I have made. Having then also spoken to the class teacher at the end of the day, he seems to be taking the recommendations of the Ed Psych on board and in addition to the things he already has in place for her, is considering how he can support her further.

I have spent months with my 'Teacher Parent' head on, not knowing which one to be and not being able to separate the two roles. Now I can relax and just be a parent where Little Z is concerned. She already has a teacher who is doing a good job, she doesn't need another one.

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