Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Here Wii Go...

I blogged last April about a new exercise regime to lose weight. What I don't think I did blog about, was that by July I had lost 2 stone 7 lb and had dropped 2 clothes sizes (not dress sizes - I almost never wear dresses!). Lots of people asked me how I was doing it, thinking that I must be spending £60 a week on some amazing 'lose 3 stone overnight' milkshake or maybe that I was going to the gym twice a day between teaching, planning, housework and school runs. In fact, I was simply taking good old Steve Miller's advice of exercising more and being more sensible with what I ate.

As I am sure any teachers reading this will appreciate, by July I was exhausted; work took over my life and I stopped going out for my walks and stopped doing the Wii fit+, both of which had had a huge positive impact on my weight, fitness and general health. My intention was to get back into routine during the summer, but the summer holidays came and went and then before I knew it, it was Christmas and I still hadn't started.

In all that time, I hadn't dared get on the scales, because I just didn't want to know that all that hard work I'd put in had been undone, but after finally making myself get on the scales this weekend, I realised I had gained 1 stone 9lb of what I had lost. That still puts me 12lb lighter than I was when I started, but having given away all the larger clothes that no longer fitted me I didn't want to put any more of that weight back on.

So, yesterday we walked to school. That's about 50 mins exercise for me as I also have to walk back after dropping them off. Today it was raining so we couldn't walk to school, but I did 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (step, boxing, hula-hooping) on the Wii Fit Plus instead. I feel great now I've started and it's not a chore, because I do actually enjoy doing it. I just need to make sure I stay as active as I can during the day, only eat at mealtimes and make time for the extra exercise sessions on the Wii Fit.

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