Friday, February 11, 2011

Talking Books

My posts over the past couple of years have been sparse to say the least. Much has changed, but there's nothing more boring than another blog post filling in the gaps of what I have been doing.

However, if I had to say one thing that has really changed, it's that I have started reading like books are going out of fashion. I have always enjoyed reading, but I think I can now safely say I am in the 'avid to slightly obsessed' category, which started around the time Breaking Dawn (Twilight Series) by Stephenie Meyer was published.

My then 10 year old daughter came home telling me her friends were reading the Twilight Series and, thinking to encourage her to read more literature appropriate to her age and ability, I bought them. The plan was for us to read them together (I read a bit, she reads a bit), but she just didn t get into the first one. They were still a little too difficult for her and she didn't really engage with the text, so discussions about the characters and events were painful. And truthfully, I was glad, because I had started to read ahead and couldn't stop.

Finishing one book, I quickly started the next until I had read the series (4 books) in 2 weeks. Having nothing equally appealing ready to move on to, I found myself in a state of 'withdrawal', desperately searching for recommendations. After a week, having had no recommendations that appealed to my interest, I started the Twilight series again!

I had never read a book twice, I realised, and found that there is a lot to be understood from a second reading. Once I put down Breaking Dawn for the second time, I had to find something else. That's when I found Goodreads.

I don't have time for a real bookclub where people get together once a month, so I wanted a group I could take part in or not, depending how busy I was, and where I could decide not to read this months book if I didn't like it. Goodreads allowed me to do those things and more. On Goodreads I found some groups of people who were reading similar books. There are discussion threads for almost any book you might be reading and by reading what others were reading, I easily found recommendations for books I would like. It's not like Facebook where you collect friends who you once knew (or maybe still see every day), but have very little in common with. I only have a couple of friends listed and they have similar taste in reading material, but through the groups, I can discuss books with anyone irrespective of whether or not they are listed as my friend. There is no obligation to do anything; you can participate as much or as little as you want.

One of the great things for me, apart from recommendations, has been the facility to keep track of which books I have read. Being able to come across a good book and add it to my 'to read' list is fantastic.

But don't take my word for it, have a look for yourself..

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