Saturday, December 28, 2013

Can't Weight...

I've been blogging (admittedly with long periods of absence every now and then) for about 8 years now. I must have blogged several times about being overweight or trying to lose weight. Well, here I go again...

Back in August, I had got so frustrated with being overweight and not having any nice clothes that would fit. Every Saturday I take Big J to his karate class, where I then sit and watch / chat with other parents for 2 hours. Yes, I know, 2 hours is a very long time to sit and talk, but if you know me, then you know that talking for 2 hours is no great challenge for me. However, I decided to download an app for my phone (it's called Map My Walk... guess what it does!) and go walking in the local area for 45 mins. I felt better for it, but it wasn't enough to shift any weight. Quite honestly, I look back now and think, "What the hell was I expecting? I was eating far more that I needed and one session of brisk walking for 45 mins every week is not enough to even sustain my weight let alone lose any.

I met a guy... No, no, no, it's not one of those kind of stories. I already have my own amazing guy (I will not crowbar him in here, he deserves a whole blog just for himself). I met a guy at karate. He told me his story of how he'd lost so much weight over the past 3 years and taken up running and cycling. I was inspired. Now, I am quite a stubborn person and will not always take other people's advice, especially if I am being told what to do... (again, this is another post entirely), but the more I listened, the more it made sense. He showed me an app on his phone called Couch to 5k. For those not familiar with it, it gets you off the couch and teaches you how to run 5k and, as the name suggests, it is for people who don't run at all, but usually sit around on the couch. Okay, this is beginning to sound like I liked it. I hated it! I started on the treadmill and was always watching the clock to see how long it was till I could get off. That's not the attitude I needed to be able to sustain it for the length of time I needed to lose the 8+ stone I had to get rid of.

The thing is, I was not a 'sit on the couch' kind of person, and I wasn't new to running either, so I decided to go back to what I knew best. The Nintendo Wii Fit. Out came the trampete (mini trampoline for running on the spot). As soon as i was back on there, I felt completely different. I enjoyed it, which meant that getting up a little earlier than usual was not so difficult. I would usually get up at 6.15 every day anyway, so getting up at 5.50 just meant that I had lost 25 mins sleep (hardly noticeable), had to hurry up getting ready for work (not that difficult), and had to make sure the children got themselves ready (they are 9 and 14 - it's not a lot to ask!).

So, since September I have been getting up at 5.50 am almost every day and doing 30 minutes running. The Wii Fit times me and records the distance I run. I know you could argue that the distance isn't accurate, after all, I am running on the spot, but it is consistent and so I have a benchmark. To start with I was running about 6k in 30 mins. Now, I run an average of 7.5k in that time.

I only set myself the goal of losing 1lb per week and have exceeded that. I now find it easier to listen to my body signals telling me that I am hungry or that I am full. My attitude towards food and exercise has changed completely. In the past I have found it hard to stay motivated, but I am kept motivated by the fact that I am steadily losing weight and enjoying the exercise as well as enjoying rediscovering my old wardrobe.

I have lost 2 stone (28 lb) since 4th September 2013. I aim to lose at least another 4 stone in 2014. I'm lucky to have amazing friends and family who, despite thinking I'm mad, give me the support and encouragement I need.

1 comment:

Kezzie said...

That's pretty cool! My friend Bex is going the couch to 5k thing. She's almost there!x