Saturday, January 11, 2014

What I did this week...

(No, the title is not clever or imaginative. I'm trying out 'functional' and I think it meets the criteria.)

Well this week has flown by in a blur of cold, early mornings; forgot-to-go-to-bed-early tiredness; what-am-I-supposed-to-be-doing-again? memory failure and is-it-really-the-end-of-the-holidays? realization, as is usual for the first week back to school after Christmas. 

With Christmas almost forgotten, I was very excited to receive a belated present from one of my colleagues. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love shiny things and that I spend far too much time on my computer, so this was the perfect present for me...

It came with a personalised notebook (writing pad, not a laptop!), as I also like to make lists and carry them around making it look like I am organised and know what on earth is going on.

I spent the week off Facebook, for various reasons, and felt liberated. It was good to not care what other people were posting, whether I was missing a 'really meaningful' e-card or who had and hadn't commented on my wall posts. I have returned to Facebook today, but will no longer be wasting hours of my life trawling through everything and anything other people felt it necessary to share with the Facebook world. I'd probably better stop this thread now, before I insult someone (that's if I haven't already!).

Our school trip to the Sea City Museum in Southampton was a great success. I highly recommend the museum to anyone who lives in or visits Southampton, particularly if you have an interest in the Titanic. It was well laid out and very interactive, so appeals to both children and adults. Take a look at their webpage here.

Friday evening should have meant I was relaxed. It was, after all, the weekend. Instead I was a bundle of nerves, thinking only about my first karate lesson which would take place on Saturday... 

As it turned out, (and as I could have predicted) I had nothing to worry about. I felt much better once I got there and saw that my partner in crime had not deserted me, but had come along for her first lesson too. With our sons as high grades (mine a brown belt and hers a first Kyū) we will not easily be able to make excuses to miss a lesson.                                                     Although the warm up made me wonder if I would be able to keep up for the rest of the lesson, I found that I was fitter than I thought and while it took focus and concentration, I really enjoyed it. I think it is fair to say that it looks a lot easier than it is. Having sat on the sidelines for 3 years telling Big J what to do, I guess it is time for me to put my money where my mouth is.
After a week like that, Sunday will definitely be a rest day... as in, I will have to get the rest of my 'To Do List' jobs done.

Happy Weekend everyone.

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