Monday, June 11, 2007

If only...

A three year old boy from Southampton,
Just didn't care what toys he stamped on
he would spit, hit and kick,
and behaved like a (naughty boy),
and so now the front lawn's being camped on!

There was a young girl from the south,
who just could not control her mouth.
She thought it was funny,
to shout at her mummy,
and now also camps outside the house!


Seany said...

It's right that their freedom's restricted
When such bad behaviour's depicted
They're quiet as a mouse
In this Big Brother's house
'Cos they go home before they're evicted


Karate Jim said...

Has Seany forgotten so soon,
That their toys, books and clothes were all strewn,
'Round the house by these tykes
Whose shouts, squeals and fights
Could be heard from as far as the moon?


Seany said...

When these limericks just popped in my mind
The old grey matter started to grind
So I had a right slog
Through the posts on your blog
But it still took me ages to find