Thursday, March 01, 2007

Incy Wincy Spider

So that I don't have to spend ten minutes every morning trying to wake Little Z up to get ready for school, she has her own alarm clock in her room, which goes off at the same time as mine, so while I am taking a few minutes to convince myself that the alarm clock is not faulty and it is in fact 6.10 (yes, I know, I can't believe it either!) and time to get up, so is Little Z. Quite often she is out of bed before I am and running into the bathroom to "powder her nose!"

This morning was no exception. I heard footsteps on the landing (not uncommon in our house, even when it is empty - that's another story!) and shortly afterwards Little Z appeared at my door:

"Mum, I've found something in the bathroom. I've wrapped it in this tissue so it can't run away!"

'Oh dear', I think, as Little Z has already come into my room and started to climb into my bed clutching her tissue.

"What is it?" I ask hastily.

"It's a lovely spider and..." She starts to unfold the tissue to show me.

"Get out of my bed! I don't want it in my bed!"

I don't dislike spiders, but, just as I don't dislike my neighbours, I don't want them in my bed!

Little Z got out of my bed and hovered just inside the doorway.
"It's really lovely..." unfolding the tissue further.

"Stop! Don't unfold it. It will fall out and I don't want it in my room, thank you!"
Little Z looks down and then looks back at me with a "oops" look on her face.
"Where is it?" I ask.

"On the carpet somewhere." she replies.


"How big is it?"

"It's only small. But don't worry, it doesn't like carpet."

Oh, well that's okay then!!!??

Sure enough, it evidently did not like my carpet as she caught it on the floor in the hallway, where we do not have carpet yet. She went off into the bathroom and I didn't think any more of it.

A few minutes later I went into the bathroom.
"Look, I've put him (was it a boy? How can you tell?) on the toilet roll."

Why would she do that?

Finally, I put him out of the bathroom window, which then provoked a long conversation about how spiders are happier outdoors and will not die from being dropped out of a window. Maybe I should have continued to explain how little children who bring spiders into bedrooms would not be so lucky should they use the same exit method!

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