Sunday, July 08, 2007


The advantage of not having my own class at this time of year is that I haven't had to spend the last month staying up all night writing reports. I do however get to read Little Z's school report and feel I can now appreciate how much work the teacher has put into putting it together, albeit cutting & pasting from last year's year 2 reports!

I was very happy with Little Z's report. She has worked very hard this year and has made really good progress. At the end of year 2 she has come out with level 2A in reading, 2B in writing, 2C in maths and level 2 in science. I cannot ask for more than that.

Just to explain a bit about the levels for the non-teachers who read my blog, Reading, writing & maths grades are assessed by the teacher using statutory tests towards the end of year 2. Level 2 is divided into three sublevels for reading, writing and maths 2C, 2B and 2A with Level 2B being the nationally expected standard for most 7 year olds. Level 2 in speaking & listening and science is the nationally expected standard for most 7 year olds.

So, I am more than pleased that little Z is where she should be at the end of year 2. Although I know it doesn't really matter at the age of 7 what grades she gets, I was concerned that if she went to Junior school as one of the lower achieving children, she would be pigeon holed as such and may not have the opportunity to achieve her full potential.

I can imagine for some parents it must be a nerve wracking moment reading their child's school report. However, I always enjoy reading the teachers comments. She said that Little Z is a "delightful girl who has worked hard this year and made steady progress.She is a happy and sensitive girl who enjoys the company of her friends. She is often laughing, skipping around and having fun. She is polite and well behaved and is always willing to help others. She has been a very responsible "playground friend".

I am very proud of her and wonder what Big J's first school report will be like? hmm! I don't really want to think about that yet!

1 comment:

Seany said...

Well done Little Z!

And who knows, Big J may turn out to be a quiet unassuming little chap in another four years time...