Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Who the cook are they?

After watching Most Haunted Midsummer Murders last night I didn't fancy going to bed straight away as I would lay awake looking at the shadows and listening to every creak the house made, so I did a bit of tidying up and Larry turned over to "Big Brother's Big Mouth" guest hosted by Dan Wright and Stephen Marsh. I'd never seen them before, but thought they were quite funny and were doing a good job of hosting the show. A few minutes after turning over, Larry said, "Hey, it's Big Cook Little Cook!" I didn't think it was them. Okay, Little Cook Small has a ginger mullet-style haircut as does Dan Wright, but Dan Wright is quite tall and Little Cook Small is, as his name suggests, only about 3 inches tall! It couldn't possibly be him. Also, Big Cook Ben, although having a similar northern accent to Stephen Marsh, wears bright coloured clothes. I was convinced it was not them, especially as they were both swearing lots and making comments of a sexual nature and I know Big Cook & Little Cook would not use that kind of language.

How wrong I was! How shocked I was! It turns out that Little Cook Small is not really 3 inches tall, that it is just a camera trick and that really he is taller than Big Cook. Having done a bit of research on the internet and found their showreel it also turns out that there are more things we would not want our children to know about their favourite TV cooks. I Don't know what to believe any more. It's got me thinking that maybe Bungle wasn't a real bear after all!


Seany said...

At least we know Sarah Jane is definitely real. I've just seen her on YouTube getting fairy wings tattooed on her back.

Funny how they never showed that on Tikkabilla...

Karate Jim said...

Yes, although I am not sure that voice is real. Who actually talks in that squeaky voice?

Sarah said...

hehe, i love your random links! :D

Karate Jim said...

Thanks. I have fun finding obscure links. I stole the idea from Delcatto