Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You will answer my questions...

I thought The Doctor might have come to save me. He didn't. I sat there in the Deputy Head's Office at a table with the Deputy Head and the Headteacher being interrogated, thinking that at any moment they were going to unzip their foreheads and reveal themselves as members of the slitheen family. They started by telling me they were looking for someone quite specific (yes, schools usually are!?) but that they did not know exactly which year group they wanted to employ someone for or in fact what the role was going to be yet. Then the ordeal began. When they started asking questions, such as "Tell us about your teaching philosophy" and "How would you ensure the children were making progress?" I said I was sorry but that I had not prepared to be interviewed. They apologised, slightly, but said they needed to see someone and talk to them as they would know who they wanted from seeing the person rather than reading what that person puts on their application. They asked difficult questions for which I had, funnily enough, not prepared answers. I feel I did quite well, but I don't think it really matters. I did not go to the school with a good impression and I have left with my suspicion having been confirmed. Witnesses would probably report having seen me running from the scene. Sorry, I shall not name the school, but I am satisfied that a few of you know which one I am talking about. I am so right to be picky about the schools I apply to, even if it has left me with no job for September!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

was that just on a school visit??!

i'm intrigued to know which school it was!
