Friday, July 06, 2007

Nothing much...

I've had quite an uneventfull week:

I have had two and a half days' supply at three different schools, one of which I have never been to before and would definitely go back to. It is coming towards the end of term now, and having spent quite a lot of time at St Mary's Primary Foundation Stage, I am quite sad to be saying goodbye to them all for the summer as some of them will not be there in September.

It is looking increasingly like I will not have a job to start in September. As I have posted previously, I have applied for jobs, some of which I have had interviews for and some not. Many schools have not even bothered to write to say "sorry, we have not shortlisted you for interview, but thank you for applying." Considering the applications take hours of work as each one has to include a 2 page tailored personal statement, it is very frustrating to have put in so much work to receive no reply at all.

I feel disappointed, to say the least, that I have not got my own class for September (again!), but I just keep telling myself, I am doing the right thing by being choosy about which schools to apply to and not just applying to work anywhere. I am also a bit frustrated, because many of my friends who I trained with last year, are now completing their NQT year. Some have not enjoyed their year, jhowever, and some have dropped out, so I am sure I am doing the right thing by holding out for the school which suits me.

Plan to take the kids swimming this weekend. The rain has stopped (it seems?!) so may have to go to the pool for a swim!

Hope you have all had a good week.


Kezzie said...

The right job will come along I'm sure, and when it does it will be fab! And in the meantime you are getting the opportunity to try lots of different classes and things without NQT pressure, but I understand it is a little sad for you. I am feeling quite scared about September at the moment- my school is lovely and I know it will be fab but still, I feel there is soo much I don't know!
Hope swimming is fun

Karate Jim said...

Thanks Kezzie. I guess I am also concerned about money. I can't go on forever only working a few days a week. Larry is supportive though, and I know I am doing the right thing by not taking any old job.