Saturday, July 21, 2007

Snow Way!

My children never fail to surprise me with their innovation. They can be so creative when it comes to play and I love to listen to them making up their own games. This morning they were playing so nicely together that I decided to relax on the sofa for a while as I have been out for 2 nights running now, which I never do, so I was exhausted.

The children played in the conservatory and I asked them to close the sliding patio door to the conservatory as Little Z has a very loud voice. I left them to play. Alarm bells only started ringing when I saw Big J walk past the conservatory door with an empty bean bag cover.

They had created their own winter wonderland. They enjoyed shovelling it into buckets and pouring it into other toys and onto the furniture. They had "snow" fights and made snow angels. They had a lot of fun until I asked them how they were planning to clean it all up.

Now, here's a funny thing, you know, I am not sure they actually had planned to clean up. When I asked Little Z what she was thinking when she tipped all the beans out of the beanbag and who she thought would clean it all up, she said she thought dad would do it. Actually she was half right. After working a night shift and a day shift with no break in between, Larry came home and insisted, despite my protests, on clearing up all the mess. I helped. The children didn't help. The children now have to pay the consequences, which for Little Z means helping to tidy our bedroom (her own decision) which needs a good sort out. Big J is more difficult as it has to be something he understands. I think Big J will have no DVDs for today as we will not have time to put them on for him, being so busy tidying up.

I hope that is the last snow we will see until winter!


Seany said...

I guess it's a good job they had already been swimming...

Sarah said...

wow, it looks fun!!!

when d'you fancy popping over to visit? best leave it a few days as i have a whopper of a cold and don't want to infect you all! x

Karate Jim said...

We can pop over any time. Shall we bring a bean bag? Probably not the best idea if you want to sell your house!